Interior Lighting Tips For Businesses

The interior lighting of your business can play an integral role in creating the type of mood that will have the biggest impact on customers while still keeping the interior safe to navigate. Despite the fact that interior lighting may seem like a simple aspect of the design process, there are some basic factors that people may easily overlook. Be Efficient With The Interior Lighting Placement Where the individual light fixtures are placed can be an important consideration when you are installing new lighting systems. Read More 

Three Places In Your Home To Add A Stained-Glass Window Panel

Stained-glass windows often have a close association with places of worship, but many homeowners appreciate the beauty of this type of glass and look for ways to incorporate it into their homes. If you're keen on changing the look of your home in certain areas and you want to include stained glass as a part of this change, share your ideas with a local interior designer. He or she can likely give you some suggestions on how to proceed in a manner that will increase your probability of being happy with the end result. Read More